Save all your favorite videos privately and for your eyes only

Keep watching as usual

Whether you're watching a video in your browser or in any other app, simply tap “share” to save to blink.

Save any video to blink with 3 clicks

Saving a video on blink works just like sharing a link with a friend. Simply tap the blink icon and you're good to go.

Choose a board and add to blink

Add your video to one of your boards or create a new one. Tap “Add” and your video is stored.

Organize your favorites in boards

Create boards to organize your favorite links and make sure to have quick access to your personal preferences.

Add with unlimited storage

Save as much inspiration as you need and never ever forget where to find the things you like.

Stay private with
password protection

Blink is secured with Face ID and Touch ID and keeps your videos absolutely safe and available for your eyes only.

What People Are Saying

“I always hesitated to bookmark my favorite movies in my browser because my kids are sometimes using my phone to browse or play games online. With blink I’m finally sure that my bookmarks are protected.”

— Peter

“I feel uncomfortable about signing up on sensitive video websites because I’m worried about receiving inappropriate or spam emails from dubious senders. With blink, I’m no longer concerned about this.”

— Emma

“Sometimes, I spend far too much time choosing the perfect movie. It’s annoying because it leaves me feeling like I'm wasting time. With blink, I can jump right into my favorites.”

— Carlos


  • Everyone who watches sensitive video content online and wishes to save and organize it for later in a secure, protected space.

  • Saving and collecting your favorite content is fun. Music finds a home on Spotify, videos on YouTube and movies on Netflix. But what about sensitive content? Data shows that users consume this content on hundreds of different tube sites, mostly in private mode browsers, without saving or bookmarking to avoid leaving traces. Blink offers a secure, protected platform to save, organize and collect your favorite videos, so you can enjoy them whenever you want.

  • Yes, blink is designed with your security in mind. We employ strong security measures to protect your data and ensure a safe and secure experience while using our app. Additionally, you have the option to enhance your personal security with Touch ID or Face ID / passcode. To use blink, we only require an email address from you, with no need for any other personal data. Your privacy and security are our top priorities.

  • Yes, blink is free to use with a limited amount of video storage. You can upgrade to a premium subscription for unlimited storage or purchase other extra storage options.

  • Blink for Android will be available on the GooglePlay store soon. Get notified when the launch is happening by subscribing to our newsletter.

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